A hard money lender is a type of private lender that lends funds based on the value of a subject property. This property could be the borrower's existing residence or a new one. These lenders don't necessarily care about a borrower's credit history. Borrowers with bad credit can still qualify for a hard money loan if they have enough equity in the property as collateral. Here are some important factors to consider when choosing a hard money lender.
First, it is important to remember that a hard money lender does not require a credit score or a lengthy income history. They are more interested in the value of your property and your investment potential. If you have equity in your property, this fix and flip loans denver lender is more likely to approve your application than a bank. Hard money lenders are more flexible and will work with you to find a loan program that works for you. And once you've found the right hard money lender, you'll have access to more funds than you'd find at a bank.
Hard money lenders charge borrowers a fee called "points." Each point is equivalent to one percent of the loan amount. Points vary depending on the lender, but are typically between 2% to 4% of the loan amount. Hard money loans typically carry an interest rate of 10 to 15%, although this can vary widely depending on the lender and the calculated risk of the loan. In general, a hard money loan has a higher interest rate than a traditional bank loan.
While a conventional loan may take weeks or months to close, a hard money lender's approval process is faster. A large down payment and higher equity in a property give borrowers a better chance of getting approved. As an added bonus, hard money lenders are more flexible and don't have to worry about conforming to mortgage regulations like the conventional loan industry. Unlike a conventional bank, a hard money loan can be completed in days, which can make or break a deal.
There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to using a hard money lender. Before making a decision on a hard money loan, it's important to research the reputation of a lender and have an experienced real estate attorney review any paperwork. Even though there are many legitimate hard money lenders, there are also a few predatory ones that try to take advantage of borrowers. It is important to weigh the benefits and risks of each option before making a decision.
Trinity Mortgage Fund hard loans are a good option for investors who are looking for a short-term loan with a solid exit plan. Real estate is the best choice for hard money loans as they're often approved faster than a traditional bank loan. A hard money lender will also offer a higher interest rate than a conventional bank loan. Moreover, a hard money lender will work with the borrower based on the asset being purchased.
You may need to check out this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_loan, to get more information on this topic.